What are the Functions Performed by Somatomedin C? - Learn Some Facts about it

There are various hormones and peptides secreted in the body. The Somatomedin is a peptide, which is secreted in the body with the help of liver. This peptide enhances the functioning of the Human Growth Hormone in the body, which is secreted by the pituitary gland.

The Human Growth Hormone is responsible for performing various functions in the body including overall growth of the body. Similarly, somatomedin also has some grave functions to perform. The scientific name for somatomedin C is insulin-like growth factor-1, and can be also called as IGF-1. In this article, we will understand the functioning of the IGF-1 and what happens in its absence.

Somatomedin C - Introduction

The somatomedin is produced in the liver and it is essential for various processes, which occur during teenage and adolescence stage. Many a times, doctors test the levels of somatomedin C in the blood to determine whether the person is suffering from a HGH deficiency or not.  Hence, the somatomedin can be used as an indicator to determine the levels of HGH present in the body.

In order to test the levels of somatomedin in the blood, one can see a doctor who will perform a test known as the IGF-1 test. These tests are also conducted to know if the person is malnourished or not. There are no side effects of this test, though some people may face some kind of lightheadedness after the test.

What is the function of somatomedin C?

It is essential to remember that the amount of hormones secreted in the body gradually decreases according to the age of a person. The hormones secreted in the body may vary from person to person and gender to gender. Mostly, a woman’s body secretes more somatomedin in the body than a male’s body. The absence of IGF-1 can led to the following problems -

  • Malnutrition - when the body has zero nutrition and suffers from a continuous loss of body weight.
  • Pubertal delay - with the absence of IGF-1, one an easily face a major delay in the puberty which can adversely affect their body due to the late hormonal changes.
  • Cirrhosis - it is a chronic disease which can be caused due to the sudden inflammation, degeneration of the cells, thickening of the tissue etc.

A large amount of IGF-1 is secreted when the person suffers from diabetes, obesity, adolescence etc.

If a person is suffering from a deficiency of somatomedin, he/she will automatically become HGH deficient which can ultimately lead to dwarfism or a short stature.